
The Wardrobe Experiment: Day 4

I wore this to church and to do some shopping with my mom this afternoon. I felt very comfortable yet put together. The top is a lightweight, silky fabric, and it was perfect for the humid weather we're still fighting. 
Why I kept it: 
I bought this top at The Loft outlet over spring break (four months ago), but I hadn't worn it yet. Again, it wasn't a difficult decision to decide to keep it. 
Why I stopped wearing it:
Well, I never actually started wearing it. There isn't a particular reason why, other than the fact that there are other tops in my closet that jump out to me more, so I re-wear those again and again instead of grabbing something different. 
How I styled it:
I added two necklaces and simple stud earrings and called it a day for accessories. I wore it with my favorite pair of jeans and Toms ballet flats.
How I felt:
This is the best I've felt since starting the wardrobe experiment. This outfit fits my style perfectly. It's comfortable (I'm sounding like a broken record, I know), appropriate to wear while teaching, and still has some touches of style that are a step up from a t-shirt. 
The verdict:
Absolutely a keeper; I felt confident all day. This is how clothes should always make you feel! 

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